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Breaking Into the Luxury Market

Learn how to go after higher price listings and buyers, increase your GCI, and work fewer hours

  • Define Luxury in your market. Make sure you look the part. Buyers' agents vs. Sales Partners.
  • Know your luxury market data. Take a luxury seminar or negotiation class. Visit higher-end open houses.
  • Leverage the Media Write articles in the local paper/online.
  • Sponsor or attend luxury events. Join a high-end networking group, clubs, and charity boards. Start charitable giving programs.
  • Business plan to Increase your average sales price.
  • Best listing and marketing strategies to get Higher-end clients and marketing those high-end properties.

Course Price : $997

Course Length : 12 weeks

Diana Dao
Danielle Salk
Eddie O’Sullivan
Gina Piper
Romita Jerath Ghosh
Flavia Berys
Sal Rihani
Yahir Araujo
Ceily Landman
Kina De Santis
Kevin Kwan

This has been an absolutely amazing and very helpful coaching program/class. There has been such great content to learn and implement in real-time, as well as a goldmine of information resources and best practices shared among everyone in the class. I highly recommend this course! It has been the best money I’ve spent on coaching/mentoring, without a doubt.

— Diana Dao | Mavenly Homes, Founder


Coaching with Anthony has been transformational. He is next-level brilliant with an accessible, pragmatic, and systematic approach to scaling one’s business. Anthony has a unique style of coaching (I have had many coaches over the last twenty-five years). He is enormously generous with his experience, ideas, personal business tools, and strategies. His non-judgmental, humble, and kind personality makes his genius and laser-cut business acumen easy to aspire to.

— Danielle Salk | Eleven Real Estate, Co-Founder


Anthony is an authentic and genuine teacher with a fun and relaxed approach. Behind that exterior is an extremely disciplined, analytical, and driven individual who can help you see your missteps and turn them into gold. His experience, insight, and ability to convey important information are priceless.

— Eddie O’Sullivan | Elevation Real Estate, Founder


Anthony is an exceptional leader and coach. With 29 years of experience in selling along with teaching and mentoring many agents, I am very selective about who I turn to for real estate advice. Anthony is exactly the kind of expert I seek. His wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas continually impress me. He is incredibly generous with his tips and strategies, and he provides clear guidance on how to implement them. I highly recommend Anthony if you want to elevate your company to the next level.

— Gina Piper | Elation Real Estate, Founder


Anthony's class is very engaging; every session provides new insights you can apply to your business. His guidance and tips are extremely useful, and he is very generous with his time and guidance. I highly recommend this course!

— Romita Jerath Ghosh | Vantage Realty


The first time I saw Anthony speaking on a stage in front of our industry’s finest, I distinctly remember wishing I could learn from him because everything he said made so much sense. I felt very lucky to have the opportunity to do just that a few years later, and be mentored by the legend himself. The thing that strikes me most about Anthony isn’t his extensive expertise about all things real estate, which he has, but his genuine generosity. It’s a remarkable quality. He truly cares about helping others succeed. He doesn’t hold back. I aspire to be as sharing and transparent as him with my own mentees and colleagues. I have learned so much from him; I will be forever grateful to have had Anthony as a teacher.

— Flavia Berys | Bookmarks Realty


Anthony Marguleas' 'Entering the Luxury Market' coaching class has been an invaluable resource. The content and suggestions provided were mind-blowing, and the mastermind sessions allowed participants to share their knowledge and leverage diverse market experiences, driving innovative ideas to grow our business.

— Sal Rihani | Nhabit Real Estate


I had high expectations when I signed up for the course, and I can honestly say that the content we've covered so far has far surpassed them. The materials, resources, and ideas have been incredibly helpful, and I strongly believe my real estate business will grow as a result. In fact, even though the course isn't finished yet, I've already started applying what I've learned and can see positive results. Thank you, Anthony!

— Yahir Araujo | Bok Realty


Anthony has given me pragmatic, impactful suggestions on how to really up my professionalism as a realtor. He also has many powerful ideas for leveling up your public profile, meeting new clients, and better sustaining the clients you already have.

— Ceily Landman | Brava Real Estate


Every team leader has something to learn from this course. I wish I was able to take this course when I first started my company. Each week I learned tips that improved how I run my company. Anthony sheds new light on how to run a team, brokerage and business. Having Anthony break down some of the most important aspects to consider and work on each week was a game changer.

— Kina De Santis | Reframe, Founder


Anthony's class, "Breaking into the Luxury Market,” has been a big win for our team. Each week, we learn the best practices from one of the best in the business. The wealth of knowledge is priceless. Sharing group feedback has been invaluable as we learn from each other. This is the class to sign up for to improve your business.

— Kevin Kwan | REALIV, Founder